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Gold Coins in Hand I The Importance of Offering

Hi everyone, this is Nancy. Today is Dec. 18th, 2021. It was almost the end of the year. I wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Today, with this video, I would like to share with you a story about offering. This story is taken from the Sutra of Wise and Foolish, and this story tells us the importance of offering: Offering leads to wealth.

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Begging for Watermelon I What is Karma?

Hi everyone, this is Nancy. Today is Dec. 4th, 2021. How are you doing. We often say that everything that happens to us is due to our own karma. We ourselves incur everything that happens to us. Today I would like to share with you an interesting and very inspiring story to help you understand this saying and karma. One day, the Buddha and his two disciples,

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